Beagle T0ols Wheelbarrows
Many of our most loyal customers remember our Jeep line of wheelbarrows. Whether you were an avid gardener looking for a lighter wheelbarrow that can carry massive loads with a minimal effort or a professional mason lifting 450 pounds each and every load--the Jeeps delivered. Our new Beagle Tools AeroframeTM series, 4 years in development, features fewer fasteners and quick 1-2 minute assembly times. They are also the lightest fully loaded wheelbarrows we have ever designed. You will feel the difference immediately. The entire line is ergonomic, balanced like a dream and simply the best. Click on the photo below to view the line.

Dual Wheel 6 cu ft poly with flat rib flat-free tires

Favorite Products of the Year

Extendable handles expand age usage and includes a flat free tire

Dual Wheel 6 cu ft poly with flat rib flat-free tires